Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thrust back into the world

 From Mike Mason's The Gospel According to Job, chapter 34.

‘All of us share in the maddening paradox of knowing in our hearts we are loved and redeemed children of God, and freer than the wind, and yet still being compelled to experience firsthand the cruelty and injustice of a world in which the righteous are unwelcome intruders, and in which all too often the strength of evildoers goes unchecked.’

‘The moment we are born again we are sent right back into the world of sin and death. In fact, we are sent back down into exactly the same circumstances in which we found ourselves before we were saved, and there we are told to take up the work of the Son of God in that situation, however painful it might be. And this is the lot we are to accept with increasing graciousness.’

This is something those bringing people to faith often forget to mention! 

Job and his comforters by William Blake

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